Unconditional cash transfers can end the cycle of extreme poverty
Reduced Inequalities ▼Africa
THe Problem
It’s a simple idea: giving money directly, no strings attached, to the poorest of the poor in the world via a mobile payment platform. This is what GiveDirectly does: cash transfer programmes in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, the DRC, Liberia and Malawi that enable donors to send money directly to families living in extreme poverty. The money sent is unconditional, empowering families to prioritise funds as they see fit.
The Solution
Unconditional (no strings attached) direct cash transfers are among the most well-researched and proven approaches to reducing poverty and improving lives. The evidence is overwhelming: unconditional cash transfers deliver a range of positive impacts, from increased income to improved school attendance, improved health and nutrition and reductions in gender-based violence – reflecting the freedom of choice that they give to recipients. Cash transfers do not trigger negative behaviours such as dependency, drinking or smoking and do not encourage people to work less; evidence shows the opposite effects.
why walk the talk support give directly
Since launching operations in 2011, GiveDirectly has delivered direct, unconditional cash transfers to more than 125,000 of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable households, directly impacting >500,000 people and empowering them to pursue their own aspirations (see GDLive). To maximise the impact of each dollar they receive, GiveDirectly has built an extremely efficient and scalable model, with a high degree of administrative efficiency. The simplicity of their approach allows to scale quickly, even in the most challenging settings. For seven years running, GiveWell has listed GiveDirectly as a top recommended charity for its strong track record and processes; documented success and stand out transparency (see here for their evaluation)
+ Donate by Bank Transfer (free)
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+ Donate by Credit Card (2%cc fee)
To avoid high fees, consider a bank transfer for £1000+ donations
+ If you are an employee, choose payroll giving
If your employer has a payroll giving scheme, your donation is deducted from gross pay – before tax is deducted. A £1,000 donation will only cost you £800 pounds and if you are a higher rate tax payer, £600.
Find out if your employer offers payroll giving.
Isobel Coleman
An American diplomat, Isobel served as the U.S. Representative to the United Nations under the Obama administration and led US efforts to reform the UN’s budget increasing transparency and accountability. She is the author and co-author of several books and a Senior Fellow for U.S. Foreign Relations.
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